Meeting Title: Late Palaeozoic terrestrial habitats and biotas: the effect of changing climates
Date: 21st May 2009 Burlington House, Piccadilly, London)
The 2009 Lyell meeting will look at the Carboniferous and Permian periods, which were a critical time in Earth history, when terrestrial biotas first had a significant impact on global climates. In particular, the development of extensive wetland forests in tropical latitudes coincided with relatively cold global climates and an expansion of the polar ice sheet. It was also the first time that biogeographical provincialism among the terrestrial biotas became strongly developed. Speakers from Europe and North America will examine the current state of knowledge of the distribution of these terrestrial biotas and of the changes that were taking place in the physical environment at the time. The programme is now available and includes a great range of speakers with keynote presentations from Martin Gibling (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Bill DiMichele (Smithsonian Institution); full details of speakers and titles are available in the draft programme. The day has ample time for discussion and scientific interaction.
The 2009 Lyell meeting is co-organised by Jason Hilton (University of Birmingham) and Christopher J. Cleal (National Museum Cardiff).
Meeting homepage:
Draft programme:
Meeting Registration: The Registration for the meeting costs £50 but is free to members of the Geological Society of London and the Palaentontological Association. Registraion forms are available from this link.