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Conditions of Membership

Membership of the Palaeontological Association is open to anyone who agrees with the charitable and scientific aims of the Association, which are to promote research in Palaeontology and its allied sciences, and who agrees to abide by the conditions of membership of the Palaeontological Association as set out below. Members fall into one of the following categories:

    Ordinary members (OM): These are individual members of the Association who are neither students nor retired members.
    Student members (STUD): These are individual members who are registered members of a school, college or university. Study towards a formal educational qualification is their full-time or principal occupation.
    Undergraduate members (UM): These are undergraduate students at UK and Irish universities, doing courses in which Palaeontology is taught at degree level. Normally departments are invited to nominate one individual per year, who receives free membership for the remainder of the year and for the following year.
    Retired members (RM): These are individual members over 60 years old and not in full-time employment. The annual subscription for Retired members is one half of that for Ordinary members.
    Honorary members (HON): These are Retired members who have been elected to be Honorary members by Council, usually on account of substantial services that they have rendered to the Association at some former time.
    Institutional members (IM): Institutions that wish to obtain copies of Palaeontology (but not the electronic version) and the Newsletter, so that both may be consulted by multiple individuals, should apply for Institutional Membership through the Executive Officer.

    All members except Institutional members are eligible to take part in the government of the Association.

Membership is open to individuals and institutions on payment of the appropriate annual subscription. The subscription covers one calendar year and is due on January 1st each year. Normally subscription reminders to UK members are sent out with the final Newsletter of the previous year. Members outside the UK will receive e-mail reminders with attached subscription forms, or paper copies of subscription forms in a dedicated mailing. Payments should be sent to the Executive Officer (address below) or made online at the secure payments site.

The Association reserves the right to exclude from membership any individual who claims individual membership in order to supply a library, or meet any other requirement that would more appropriately be met by an Institutional Membership subscription or a subscription through Blackwells. Members are asked to sign a declaration that they will not act in such a way, as a condition of membership.

All members will receive all parts of Palaeontology and the Newsletter for the calendar year in which they have paid their subscription. New members who join after part 6 for the volume in question has gone to press, will be signed up for the following year, but will be regarded as members of the Association from the day that their payment is accepted.

Membership entitles individual members to free access to meetings (on payment of the appropriate members’ registration fee) organised by the Association and by the Joint Committee for Palaeontology, and to the purchase of Palaeontology back issues and other Association publications at a reduced rate.

Individual members can apply to the Sylvester Bradley and other funds to aid their palaeontological researches and to organise meetings. Details can be found on the Associations website.

Non-members may also subscribe to Palaeontology and obtain back issues up to 10 years old from Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK, at rates set annually by them.

For those who do not wish to use the New Membership or Membership Renewal pages, membership application forms can be obtained online in the secure area and printed, rather than entering credit card details online, or through the Executive Officer.

    Executive Officer
    Dr T. J. Palmer
    Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences,
    University of Wales, Aberystwyth,
    Ceredigion SY23 3DB
    United Kingdom

    Created by Mark D Sutton on the 2007-10-08. (Version 2.0)